Business centers or coworking?

Rental of offices and meeting rooms in Barcelona.

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Have you ever thought about the best space to develop your professional activity? If you have a company or business, you have probably asked yourself this question. The place where we do our work is really important, that is why from Businesscenters Paseo de Gracia Barcelona we are going to help you understand the difference between a business center or what is the same, a business center and a coworking. Then you can choose one or the other depending on your needs.

Despite the fact that both business centers and coworking seek to meet the same objectives (reduce rental costs and focus the activity of the company), and in both spaces spaces such as offices and training rooms are rented. meeting rooms, the atmosphere and the work environment is very different.

Office and meeting room rental at Businesscenters Barcelona.

This type of office, despite its versatility to carry out work activities, is aimed at completely different audiences and companies. For example, coworking spaces are places enabled for a public that works in a more collaborative way, for companies or freelancers with a more limited business structure or in the take-off phase still seeking to develop contacts and establish interpersonal relationships for possible future collaborations. The profile of those who choose a coworking is younger. The treatment in a coworking is more communal. Seeks to achieve collaborative work between entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, business centers can be aimed at companies and businesses with a higher turnover rate and business structure. The meetings and assignments that take place at these meetings consist of a more formal protocol and a more serious tone. Founders of start-ups, freelancers and freelancers already established and with a well-defined contact agenda, are largely committed to business centers and domicile their companies in business centers such as the Paseo de Gracia Business Center.

Offices and meeting rooms in Barcelona.

Therefore, in summary, the target audience for these workspaces is different, but the main difference between the two arises around the contact list. Coworking can give rise to your own contact book to support your business, so that they can share them, while business centers, in general, have an already defined agenda of collaborators, clients, suppliers.

Depending on the needs of the business, you can opt for a more traditional and professional style offered by the Business Centers or a more casual and junior style offered by coworking.

At Businesscenters our goal is to ensure that companies find an equipped, professional and comfortable space where they can have a work meeting, thanks to our offices and meeting rooms for renting, ensuring the success of any business meeting and the most pleasant work experience. Thanks to our excellent location on Paseo de Grácia, in the heart of Barcelona, ​​accessibility to our offices is really convenient. Air-conditioned rooms and offices for companies, wifi, parking, and a wide variety of extra services will provide your meeting and training with a professional image that for sure benefits cooperative work. We also provide virtual offices  for companies in the need of  a physical address where to be addressed to.

If you are interested in looking for an office or meeting room where to hold your work meetings, do not hesitate to contact us , we will be happy to help you. Happy work atmosphere!

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